Every cell, every organ, every fiber of our being has fascia. It exists without a start or an end and is present in many intricate layers throughout or body. Fascia is naturally relaxed and elastic, a state that assists in fluid movement and cellular communication. However, when our bodies are put under duress, trauma, injuries, and inflammations the ‘glue’ of fascia becomes shortened and stiff. This constricts the fascia and makes proper function painful, difficult, and inefficient. Myofascial Release is a technique specifically designed to address this issue.
Myofascial Release is interactive. The patient’s input and responses to therapy guide the hands of the therapist and help to locate trouble spots in the fascia. The body speaks through language, and the client speaks through memories, and by paying careful attention the therapy can be directed at sources of pain and stress even if they are not in an area that actually feels sore.
Every cell, every organ, every fiber of our being has fascia. It exists without a start or an end and is present in many intricate layers throughout or body. Fascia is naturally relaxed and elastic, a state that assists in fluid movement and cellular communication. However, when our bodies are put under duress, trauma, injuries, and inflammations the ‘glue’ of fascia becomes shortened and stiff. This constricts the fascia and makes proper function painful, difficult, and inefficient. Myofascial Release is a technique specifically designed to address this issue.
Myofascial Release is interactive. The patient’s input and responses to therapy guide the hands of the therapist and help to locate trouble spots in the fascia. The body speaks through language, and the client speaks through memories, and by paying careful attention the therapy can be directed at sources of pain and stress even if they are not in an area that actually feels sore.
Being that the pelvis is the core and mainframe of our bodies it needs to be balanced and released first. Once this has been accomplished a person feels like they are more grounded. The body opens, there is a lighter feeling and a release of tension and old bracing patterns which often come from wear and tear, trauma, injury or surgery. Releases like this are the goal of Myofascial Release. It helps the fluids in our body flow, and our bones to float more freely in this fluid. We are made up of 70-90% water, and our cells naturally have wave like tendencies. Achieving this floating allows the full healing potential of our bodies to truly work.
Releases aren’t always physical either. They can be mental, emotional, and spiritual. Many times patients will truly have emotional trauma to release rather then physical trauma, and through the Myofascial Release process it is possible to uncover this stress and release it from the fascia and the mind.
Myofascial Release has never injured anyone. It is a non-force technique that is completely safe and does not put additional stress on the body. Top local surgeons, psychiatrists and doctors recommend Myofascial Release for before and after surgery through first hand experience of it’s deeper and faster healing potential. It can assist with the healing of any type of injury, and is useful for addressing chronic fatigue, broken bones, surgeries, womens health issues, sports injuries, cancer/tumor recovery, anxiety/stress/emotional issues, wear and tear.