What is Ionic Foot Detox?

Our bodies tend to hold more acid than it should due to toxins in our bodies. The Ionic Foot Detox removes these toxins through a frequency of positive and negative ions.

How is it done?

  1. A foot bath is prepared prior to the patient’s arrival. The preparation is called Sole, which takes the 300 million year old Himalayan salt and is diluted in the water foot bath.
  2. The ionic cleansing device is placed in the basin.
  3. You place your feet in the water between 30 – 45 minutes, and the frequency draws out the impurities and toxins through the soles of your feet.

That’s it!

alternative medicine ion cleansing detox machine on white background

Studies have been done like the information provided at www.Healthandmed.com which show that an increase in toxins was found in the foot spa water after the session.

For a free 30-minute consultation on how this procedure can benefit you individually, please call Caran at 215-920-3003.